Taylor Sisk

HIV Outbreak Persists as Officials Push Back Against Containment Efforts

KFF Health News Original

Research shows offering clean syringes to people who misuse IV drugs is effective in combating the spread of HIV. But an epidemiologist and advocates say state and local officials in West Virginia, home to one of the worst HIV outbreaks in recent years, have taken measures that render syringe exchange less accessible.

Offering Syringes Along With Prayers, Churches Help IV Drug Users

KFF Health News Original

Some churches and other faith-based organizations are offering clean syringes to IV drug users, while still others are voicing their support for comprehensive treatment, testing and education programs that also help stem transmission of diseases like HIV and hepatitis C.

A Rocky Road To Recovery

KFF Health News Original

Prison helped Richie Tannerhill overcome substance abuse, but that was just the beginning of rebuilding his life.